Official Holy Unblocker FAQ and Support

Icon Information

How to find the Icon URL of a Site

Go to the website you want an icon from, then use this bookmarklet (drag it to your bookmarks bar):

Copy the URL that the bookmarklet gives you. Then go back to HU and enter in the URL for the Icon URL in Settings. Enjoy!

I am getting 502 errors. What do I do?

The proxy may be down, being worked on or is under high load.

When this happens you may either switch sites to fix the error or wait a bit. Sometimes clearing your cache can help by doing Ctrl+Shift+R or reloading the page normally. (Hard Reload which purges cache.)

I am getting an error similar to: "'' cannot be reached."

Right-click the page and do Reload Frame. If that doesn't work the first time, try waiting a bit or switching sites. Lastly doing a Hard Reload may help. (Ctrl+Shift+R)

Is Discord supported? And can I gain access to a better proxy for Discord?

Yes, Discord is supported. You can now login normally with Womginx but most of the proxies still require you to login via QR Code or Token. You may view the extended Discord proxy information below for more information.

  • When either instances are under high load occasionally Discord may be slow or not work. In this case simply wait a bit or try using the TN subscriber booster proxy.

If you wish for a pro​xy with better support for Disc​ord, be sure to join the T​N Disco​rd.

By donating $3 (simply type $upgrade in the TN Discord) you can gain access to the premium Di​sco​rd p​rox​y which is faster, more secure and outside of the current limitation of using Di​scor​d normally with any of the free pro​xi​es.

The prem​ium Di​sco​rd p​r​ox​y is outside of these issues:

  • Being prompted to ve​rify by ema​il or via pho​ne numb​er
  • S​low mess​aging or in​valid invit​es
  • Possible V​C supp​ort
  • Sites getting bl​ock​ed often
  • And more!

Why are YouTube videos not working?

If you are having persistent issues even after doing the steps above there is a chance that the instance is down temporarily, especially if large groups of people are also having the issue. The latest release of Alloy currently does not have support for YouTube. However manually putting in full links like will work. You may also try doing a Hard Reload (Ctrl+Shift+R)

A later release of Alloy may fix this issue. Sorry.

When using YouTube I get a similar error to "Cannot GET /watch"

Do Ctrl+Shift+R (Hard Reload which clears your cache) and if that doesn't work use the full URL of the video you want to watch with either Alloy or Womginx, Alloy being preferred for an option as it has the best YouTube support.

Parse error, etc. or perhaps even Cannot GET /gkfdsgkfgfdkg

Might be possible that you need to wait a bit because of updates that may have occurred and are not visible yet due to cache. In this situation do a Hard Reload or switch Holy Unblocker sites. (Ctrl + Shift + R)

Why is the site I am on not working correctly or having CAPTCHA errors?

Captcha support is currently not available on all of the current proxies sadly. Therefore some sites may not work with any of the sites. Read below for issues with links on sites.

Why are page links not working or leading to 404 pages?

This is an issue with the latest release of Alloy proxy but it may also occur with other proxies. In this case manually entering the URL of the page you would like to view can solve this or try navigating using the home button. (Reddit, Twitter) The next release of Alloy may fix this also.

When using YouTube on any of the proxy sites, why does the page not load fully or the video is just white?

There are two methods for fixing this:

  • Reloading the page normally when the error above happens should load the video.

  • Or right-clicking the page and doing Reload Frame if you are using some form of Stealth Mode.

When using Discord under Alloy or Powermouse, why does the page stay gray/white or the QR code not load?

Once again do the same steps above:

  • Reloading the page normally when the error above happens should load the video

  • Or right-clicking the page and doing Reload Frame if you are using some form of Stealth Mode. Make sure you are also doing the steps correctly. Simply view below for extended Discord proxy information/steps.

Discord Proxy Information:


Your account may be at risk of being disabled by Discord if you are using any of the proxies in general, Womginx being a possible exception. Unless you have 2FA or a phone number be careful.

General Steps:

1) Go to either Surf Freely/Web Proxies if you wish to access Discord manually or the Discord page from the navbar.

If you selected the Discord page simply choose either Stealth Mode or Classic Mode. For any support view the FAQ questions above.

2) Select either Womginx or Alloy. Womginx has support for normal logins but may not work for every filter while Alloy is QR login only but has generally better support in some cases.

3) Type out one of these terms:



4) Then hit either Stealth or Classic as a mode. Stealth mode hides your history while Classic mode is the normal method of accessing a site.

QR Login FAQ:

Make sure you are using Alloy + QR Code for Discord. You CANNOT login normally with Alloy.

Powermouse also has QR login support if you wish for an alternative proxy.

QR Code Information:

Use the link above through one of the proxies to read if you can't.

Common Issues with Solutions:

  • If the page appears gray on the first load, reload/spam reload the page a bunch.
  • If the QR code doesn't load, reload/spam reload the page a bunch.
  • If the page/discord logo keeps loading, reload/spam the page also. You may also right-click the page and do "Reload Frame" to reload also.

If none of these solutions work either the proxy is down or you can try to do a hard reload. (Ctrl+Shift+R)

PM also has amazing support for QR logins. Feel free to mess around between PM and Alloy.

Token Login Extended:

Also, search up on YT on How to find your Discord Token when using Token Login. This only works on Powermouse but not the best option.

Token logins on Powermouse (PM Proxy) will require another device also for recovering your Discord account.

Best Solution: Do Ctrl+Shift+R (Hard Reload which clears your cache). Sites here are often updated hence issues that may arise.